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BB66-GATES | Hi-Power Dubl-V Wrapped Classical V Belt

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£44.68(ex VAT)

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Product Information

Attribute Value
Outside Length (mm): 1720
Outside Length (inches): 67.7
Pitch Length (mm): 1676
Pitch Length (Inches): 66
Inside Length (mm): 1632
Inside Length (inches): 64.27
Range: Agricultural
Section: 17BB
Top Width (mm): 17
Depth (mm): 13
Weight (Kg): 0.54
Temp. Range: '-30˚C to +80˚C
Manufacturer: Gates
Part Number: BB66-GATES
Brand Name: Hi-Power Dubl-V Wrapped Classical V Belt

Product Description

BB66-GATES Hi-Power Dubl-V Wrapped Classical V Belt manufactured by Gates are are flexible in the direction of motion and rigid in transverse direction. BB66-GATES are identified by 2 letters stating their cross-section(e.g. AA) and by a number (e.g. 105) which represents the nominal pitch length in inches. These Hi-Power Dubl-V Wrapped Classical V Belt conform to all major international standards and are used for all applications . If you require additional information please contact Sales on 01952 676926.

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